Cannot login to the Member Portal

How to change your password

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 2 years ago

This article explains how to:

• Login to the member portal if you have forgotten your password

• Change your password while you are logged in to the Member Portal

How to change a forgotten password

If you are not logged in to the Member Portal and you cannot remember your password then:

Browse to

Click the orange Member Portal button (top-right)

Click Forgot your password?

Enter your Member ID and email address.

Click the Submit button.

Check your inbox (check your Junk folder) for the Access Verification email and click the verification link.

Check your inbox for the Password Reset email and copy your temporary password.

Click the Go to Login Page button.

Then login with your temporary password.

How to change your member account password while logged in to the Member Portal

If you are already logged in to the Member Portal,

Click your Avatar (top-right) to reveal the menu

Click Change Password

Enter your current password

Enter a new password

Then enter the new password again to confirm

Click the Save button

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