Event entry V2: Entry Status

Description of Entry Status dropdown

Mat IT Manager

Last Update a year ago

Article status: Live

Date created: 05/07/2023

Last reviewed: 13/07/2023


This article describes the Entry Status dropdown options.

When an entrant submits an entry the Entry Status value is set to Pending.
  • The Entry Status can then be changed manually by the Event Organiser on the Entries Summary page.
  • The Entry Status is changed automatically to Withdrawn when an entrant deletes their entry from the My Events page.
  • The Entry Status is changed automatically to Not Paid; if the event organiser ticks the 'Force entrant to pay now' checkbox in the Payment Methods section and the entrant does not pay within 24 hours.
  • Allocations can only be changed once the Entry Status is set to either; Accepted, Approved, Late, Received, or Reserved.

The table below shows the different options that the Entry status can be changed to:


Entry Status can be changed on the Entry Details tab of the Entries Summary page.

Entry Status is available on the reports page as a field or filter.


AcceptedEntries are accepted into the event and allows allocations to be changed
ApprovedEntries are accepted into the event and allows allocations to be changed
LateEntries are accepted into the event and allows allocations to be changed
ReceivedEntries are accepted into the event and allows allocations to be changed
ReserveEntries are accepted into the event and allows allocations to be changed
Checked Inno longer in use
Partially CheckedInno longer in use
PendingInitial status of all entries
InvitedEntries are NOT accepted into the event
RejectedEntries have been rejected by the organiser are NOT accepted into the event
Not paidAutomated value changed when events that are 'Force entrant to pay now' = TRUE are not paid within 24 hours
DeclinedEntries have been declined by the organiser and are NOT accepted into the event
WithdrawnEntries have been withdrawn by the entrant or organiser are NOT accepted into the event
DuplicateEntries are a duplicate entry and NOT accepted into the event

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