Event Entry V2: Entering an event - Transponders

Transponder options

Mat IT Manager

Last Update a year ago

Article status: Live

Date created: 05/09/2023

Last reviewed: 06/09/2023

This article describes the different transponder options that may be available for entrants entering an event.

If the Event Organiser is requiring a transponder to enter an event you can either

  • Choose to use an existing transponder
  • Specify a new transponder or
  • Rent a transponder (if available)

See this article on how to update you car's transponder ref https://help.motorsport.org.au/article/event-entry-v2-my-cars-transponder

While Entering an Event, on the Entry Details section

Choose a Car to enter

Click the Transponder dropdown

Then choose one of the available options

If you choose to specify a new transponder, then you can:

  • Enter a new Transponder ref
  • Choose to use the transponder ref for Just this event or For this and all future events

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