Event Entry V2: Request a refund

Requesting a refund for a cancelled event

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

Article status: Live

Date created: 11/04/2024

Last reviewed: 11/04/2024

This article serves as a guide for entrants seeking to request refunds for entries to motorsport events that have been cancelled. It is important for entrants to understand that Motorsport Australia does not directly manage refunds or the policies governing them. The responsibility for issuing refunds lies solely with the event organisers. Motorsport Australia facilitates the process by offering a feature within the Event Entry app that allows entrants to submit refund requests to the event organisers efficiently. This introduction aims to navigate you through the process of utilising this feature to submit your refund requests properly.

1. Click the My Events menu

2. Click on the Event that you wish to request a refund for

3. Click the Request refund button

4. Enter the Refund request details

5. Click the Send Refund Request button

Next Steps:

Upon submission, your refund request will be directly forwarded to the event organiser for review. Please contact the Event Organiser directly with any related queries.

Contact information can be found on the Event page.

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