Event entry V2: Creating an event - Name, Type and Activation

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

New events can be either be copied from previous events or created from scratch, copying previous events is quicker because all settings (including hidden optional settings) from the previous event except the dates are copied to the new event.

Option A: Copying a Previous Event

If you wish to copy details from a previous event:

A1. Tick the checkbox labeled Copy from an existing event?.

A2. Choose the desired event from the dropdown menu that appears.

Option B: Creating an Event from Scratch

If you prefer to create a new event from scratch, you'll be presented with the following required sections:

B1. Type in the name of your event.

B2. Choose an event type from the dropdown menu.

3. Choose the activation status of the event. If you're not ready to activate the event yet, you can return to this setting later.

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