Event entry V2: Creating an event - Payment methods

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

In this section, you'll choose the payment methods you wish to accept for your event.

1. Credit Card: If you want to accept credit card payments, tick the 'Credit Card' checkbox. You will then need to provide your bank account details. If you choose to absorb the credit card fees (i.e., not pass them onto the entrant), tick the 'Absorb Credit Card Fees - do not pass on to entrant' checkbox.

2. Direct Deposit: If you want to accept direct deposit payments, tick the 'Direct Deposit' checkbox. You will then need to provide an account description in the format 'BSB: xxx Acct: xxx Acct Name: xxx Reference: (your last name)'.

3. Cheque: If you want to accept cheque payments, tick the 'Cheque' checkbox. You will then need to provide an address where cheques can be sent for payment.

4. Voucher: If you want to accept voucher payments, tick the 'Voucher' checkbox. You will then need to add each voucher by clicking the 'Add' button, providing a code and name for each. You also have the option to withdraw each voucher in the future or delete the voucher payment method entirely.

5. Force entrant to pay now: If you want to require immediate payment upon entry, tick the 'Force entrant to pay now' checkbox. This will limit payment methods to Credit Card and Voucher only, and remove the 'Pay Later' button from the entry form. If an entrant leaves the payment page without paying, leaving their entry in a pending state, both they and you will receive an email notification that the entry will be rejected after 24 hours unless payment is settled. A final reminder email will be sent one hour before the rejection.

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