Event entry V2: Creating an event - Pre-validation checks

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

Adding Pre-validations to an event

When an Event organiser creates an event they have several options for pre-validating entries.

To show the Pre-Validation section while creating an event you should tick the Show optional items checkbox.

Mandatory checks

Has Paid, Terms and conditions Accepted and Competition licence is Valid are all manadatory by default for all Motorsport Events.

The mandatory and Optional checks run automatically when the Event Organiser displays the Entries summary page.

More details on each mandatory check can be found here:

Has Paid

Terms and Conditions

Competition licence is valid

Optional checks

There are several optional conditions that Event Organisers can include for events.

For Circuit or Other discipline:

1. Competition License is Valid for the Event Type

2. Their Transponder Number is Confirmed as Correct

For Rally or Off Road discipline:

1. Competition License is Valid for the Event Type

2. Has Emergency Contact

3. Has Logbook

4. Has Compulsory Third Party (for Queensland cars only)

5. Has A Valid Civil Licence

6. Has An Unregistered Vehicle Permit

7. Has Next of Kin

8. Has Service Crew

9. Has Recce Vehicle Information

Custom checks

Event organisers can create additional custom conditions for events, which are managed manually by the event organiser ticking the appropriate checkbox.

Managing Pre-validations

On the Entries Summary page, the Checks column summarizes an entrants pre-validation checks. To see all the pre-validation results in detail simply click on the entry and the side pane displays the Entries details.

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