Event entry V2: Creating an event - Fees, Circuit or Other

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

Circuit or Other

1. Event Fee: The only mandatory field in this section is the 'Event Fee' field. This is the entry fee for the event and can be any number from 0 and above.

2. Early Bird Discount: If you're offering an early bird discount, input the discount amount in the 'Early Bird Discount' field and set the date when this discount will end in the 'Early Bird End Date' field.

3. Club Discount: If you're offering a discount for club members, input the discount amount in the 'Club Discount' field.

4. Cross Entry (Same Car): If you wish to allow entrants to enter a second driver to use their car, enter the fee for this in the 'Cross Entry (Same Car)' field.

5. Cross Entry (Same Driver): If you wish to allow entrants to enter a second car for the same driver, enter the fee for this in the 'Cross Entry (Same Driver)' field.

6. Activity Fees: If you added any activities in the 'Activities' section earlier, there will be a fee field for each activity. Enter the fee for each activity in the corresponding field.

7. Garage Fees: If you selected any types of garages in the 'Garaging and Transponders' section earlier, there will be a fee field for each type of garage. Enter the fee for each type of garage in the corresponding field.

8. Transponder Rental Fee: If you chose to offer transponders for rent in the 'Garaging and Transponders' section, there will be a 'Transponder Rental Fee' field. Enter the fee for renting a transponder in this field.

For more information on the Cross Entry feature click here: https://help.motorsport.org.au/article/event-entry-v2-cross-entries

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