Event entry V2: Creating an event - Invited classes

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

This section is where you specify which classes of vehicles are invited to participate in your event.

You have two options:

Option 1: No Specified Classes

1. If your event is open to all/any classes of vehicles, simply tick the checkbox labeled No Specified Classes (tick if the event is open to all/any classes). This indicates that there are no restrictions on the type of vehicles that can participate in your event.

Option 2: Specify Invited Classes

If your event is only open to certain classes of vehicles, you can specify these classes in this section.

1. To do this, Click the + to the right to expand the class title.

2. Within each class, there are various sub-classes. If you wish to include all sub-classes within a particular class, simply click the Select All option.

3. If you wish to only invite particular sub-classes to your event then tick the appropriate checkbox(es) of the sub-class(es).

Repeat this process for each class you wish to invite to your event.

After completing this step, proceed to the next section of the form: Fees. We will guide you on how to complete this in the next part of this guide.

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