Event entry V2: Creating an event - Regulations and Forms

Mat IT Manager

Last Update 5 months ago

This section allows you to specify the regulations that entrants need to read and accept as part of the entry process.

There are two mandatory regulations for entrants to read and accept: the Motorsport Australia Disclaimer and the event's Supplementary Regulations.

The Motorsport Australia Disclaimer will appear automatically on all entry forms.

It is mandatory to include Supplementary Regulations, as a club organiser you will need to provide a link to your Supplementary Regulations.

1. Once you've entered the URL, click the Test button to ensure the URL works correctly.

This button will open a separate web browser window and navigate to the URL you provided.

2. If you wish to include additional regulations, click the Add button.

3. In the new fields that appear, provide the regulation type from the Type dropdown or type a custom title then provide the URL to the document. Again, you can test the link by clicking the Test button.

If you choose to include the Scrutiny Statement of Automotive Compliance, the URL to the Motorsport Australia document is provided for you.

All regulations that you choose to include will appear on the entry form for the entrant to indicate they have read and accept by ticking a checkbox. A ticked checkbox is sufficient and replaces the need to have entrants print, sign, and submit the regulation at the event.

Remember, all included regulations are mandatory for the entrant to read and accept during the entry process.

Any participants who the entrant enters on behalf of will receive an email containing a URL to the regulations and a button so they can indicate they have read and accept the regulations.

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